Unknownian limited edition

lan De Novellis, alias Unknownian, is a digital artist from
Italy, currently living in Barcelona, Spain.

His work is all about life experience, empathy and love.
Blending surreal visions of the world and digital portrai-
ture, he has managed to change different styles over the
years and develop a unique key to speak the words of his
heart trough art concepts.

Unknownian Limited Edition

Artist philosophy

Since 2014 have been constantly evolving his personal style and key concepts. The experience in using applications to create his works have been constantly evolving. From Photoshop to After Effects, to Dimension, passing through new stuffs like Touch Designer and AI powerful tools like Firefly and Midjourney.
He is always on the lookout to discover and use new technologies that allow him to grow as an artist, a continuous process of growth that fluctuates with highs and lows, concepts, and emotions just like life itself.
Over the last three years, Unknownian has delved deeper into the emotional creative concepts he sought, achieving a profoundly deep connection with his art and the audience.